WWF, 5/4/2012

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Happy Friday!

Mr. Aiden started off his morning with floor time where he grasped for items with his hands. He is becoming very talkative and reacts to his friends around him!


During baby yoga, Ozzie stretched out his mid-section while Jada stretched out her legs. Marina and Elizabeth touched their toes with their finger tips.

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Marina, Ozzie, and Clara all enjoyed using our musical shakers to make music!

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Ozzie danced to the ‘ladybug’ song while Clara used the bean bags to make sounds.

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Our ‘pink’ friends travelled to the kitchen where they manipulated play-dough. Olivia liked using the wooden block to bang the play-dough. Sloane used the end of the wooden block to make holes in the play-dough.

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Sloane and Chloe played peek-a-boo in the house with their friends!

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The mother squirrel who frequently visits our playground came to say hi this morning. This got us into a discussion about squirrels and how the mommy squirrel goes and gathers food for her babies. We compared this to how Mommies and Daddies go get their children food at the grocery.

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We lifted up rocks to see if we could see any bugs! We found a rollie-pollie.


Miss Paulina bought out spinach seeds. Our friends sprinkled the seeds around using their hands.

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Our friends walked to the drinking fountain where they filled up their watering can.


Then, children retrieved watering cans so they could water the seeds to make them grow. Not only was this a great helping activity but our friends used their arm muscles to carry the watering can from the drinking fountain all the way to the garden!

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For breakfast, our friends enjoyed eggs and banana. Lunch consisted of cheese pizza, watermelon, and broccoli. PM snack was graham crackers and apples.

Have a fantastic weekend!
