WF Daily Explorations Monday 5/7

Parent Information:

  • Just a reminder that Lisa is working on a food sign up sheet for our Potawatomi Potluck/Spring Joy! scheduled for a week from today, Monday May 14 from 5:30-7pm. If you are interested in bringing a simple main, vegetable, fruit dish or dessert connect with Lisa and she will sign you up.
  • Swimming as usual tomorrow, with the Weehicle pulling out at 9:30.
  • Farm trip on Wednesday and Tami will be taking the older group. 9:30 departure.
  • VERY IMPORTANT: This Thursday the sidewalk repair is scheduled to start, weather permitting. If there are cones set up when you drop off your child, please park in the church lot. Same goes for pick up. Thank you!

From shortly after the time they arrived to mid morning, Jane and Macy charted everyone’s favorite color. With their knowledge and understanding of tally marks, they went from friend to friend asking “what is your favorite color?” and recording their findings.



When Simon asked “Can I work on math?”, we pulled out the poker chips, dice and a muffin tin. Simon rolled a die and placed the corresponding number of poker chips into the muffin tin. When the tin was full, he rolled again and took that many away. Lea, Macy and Jane joined the work.



Afterwards, Simon got a piece of paper and drew a muffin tin with 12 cups. He also drew several dice and put different numbers on them. He then colored the corresponding number of muffins on his paper tin.


Our earthworm study continues to grow and today Lisa read Creepy Crawlers (Lynn Huggins-Cooper). Friends researched and learned about spiders, flies, beetles and lots of other creepy crawlers.


Ada found one such creepy crawler as soon as we headed out this morning: a HUGE SLUG!



Everyone was so excited about it, they immediately went on their own creepy crawler hunt looking under rocks, mats and deep in the dirt.



They found spiders, doodle bugs and earthworms.



Nate and Alexandra first created a block structure and the worked peacefully together to put the blocks away.


During our small group time after lunch, Lisa sang our Hello Song with friends, working on lyrics and rhythm. Laurie worked with the older friends on writing the opening sentence  of their books.

Our Wee Sprouts today are carrots and green bell peppers. Breakfast was Oatmeal Squares and bananas. For lunch, Tami made whole wheat penne pasta with red kidney beans, cucumber slices and bananas.

Parent/Child Communication Starters:

  • Let’s sing Jackhammer Joy together! You can teach me the words!
  • Is a slug hard or soft? What other words can you think of that would describe how it feels?
  • Where do slugs live?
  • Why do doodle bugs curl up in to balls?
  • Let’s look around us and name all the orange things we see! What about blue?

Have a great day.