WWF, 5/7/2012

Happy Monday!

We started off our day at Wee Wee Friends with interactive play. Olivia, Elizabeth and Marina joined one another in the kitchen where they worked with play-dough. All three girls put their purple play-dough into black circular bowls. They used their hands and utensils to push the play-dough down.

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We brought out the linking stars for the children to investigate. Marina put two of them together while Jada was surprised when she linked three together. Sloane went under the jungle gym where she could concentrate while linking the stars.

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Jada, Sloane, and Chloe sat in the jungle gym where they practiced linking the stars together.

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Miss Marty opened up the beauty shop and got our friends hair all pretty!

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Aiden has been pulling on the different toys hanging on his floor gym. He continually rolls from side to side.

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For breakfast, our friends had chex and craisins. AM snack was cucumbers. Lunch consisted of whole wheat penne pasta with red kidney beans, cucumbers, and cantaloupe. PM snack was carrots and banana.

Have a great night.
