WWF, 5/8/2012

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Good Afternoon!

**There has been some confusion about the picnic that is scheduled for next Monday at 5:30. It is for BOTH sites meaning that everyone is invited! Please feel free to ask any questions that you may have about this event. We look forward to seeing you there! Smile

Marina and Olivia started their mornings off by looking at their reflection in the mirror. Olivia watched the movement of her lips as she opened her mouth wide and then closed it. Marina did different body movements as she looked at herself in the mirror while saying, “Me!”

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We borrowed two activities from our friends next door at Wee Friends. The first was a wooden container that had sets of each letter. Marina, Ozzie, and Olivia enjoyed taking the letters out and laying them on the felt board. They yelled out the names of each letter and a name or object that started with that given letter. Ozzie thoroughly enjoyed a train number puzzle. He put the entire thing together. When he was done, he went through the different numbers as such: “one train, two train, three train, etc.”

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Ellie and Chloe participated in baby yoga this morning. They both chose to sit quietly and listen for directions. Miss Paulina was doing a yoga move with a few children and Ellie enjoyed that!

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While doing the bear walk, Marina got down on all fours and moved forward using different muscles in her arms and legs. Her gross motor skills were being used while doing this activity. Clara sat on Miss Paulina’s legs as her jumped up and down. She liked the motion and being able to use her legs to push her up.

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After baby yoga, our friends participated in music time where the shakers were a big hit! Ozzie, Clara, Chloe, and P.K. decided to move their musical shakers up and down to make noise.

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Miss Paulina sang a new song and Chloe listened intently.


While his friends napped, Aiden became curious when he saw his reflection in the mirror. He saw his face and pointed to the mirror and giggled.

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For breakfast, our friends enjoyed toast with butter and pears. AM snack was cucumbers. Lunch consisted of whole wheat tortillas with melted cheese, cantaloupe, and green peas. PM snack was rice cakes, bananas, and pears.


Have a great evening!
