WF Daily Explorations, Farm and Classroom!

Please note…our sidewalk replacement have a firm start date of Wednesday, May 16th. (The rain pushed it back againSad smile)

At the farm today, we:

Took a very close look at the baby squirrels.


Thoroughly investigated the painted turtle.


Wandered the prairie.  (Ok, the teachers wandered, the kids created a game where they would choose a spot ahead of where we were and would ask to “run” to it and wait for us. They did this for most of our nature walk!)


At the pauses, we investigated crawfish mud homes.


Found spiders in mud puddles.


Got muddy in mud puddles.


In the woods we looked under logs for bugs.  There were lots of cool looking fungi and squirmy worms.


We spotted an enormous snapping turtle sunning on a log in the marsh. (You can see it on the log in the pic below.)  Ada was the one who noticed him in the distance!


Some of the more ambitious kids carefully treaded across a shaky log in search of more frogs.  It took a lot of balance to make it.  Arleigh got stuck at the end and Kai gallantly held her hand and helped her come back.




Back at WF,  Miss Laurie read a book, The Creepy Crawlers that inspired a really cool thread spool art project.  While painting the spools, Finn remarked that his brown spool was a bumpy brown bug.  To follow Finn’s interest, Miss Lisa led the children through the steps of creating a a classroom story of The Bumpy Brown Bug._MG_2131_MG_2134



The children then illustrated the story they created.



Wee Sprouts were carrots and cauliflower.


Lunch was brown rice with pork, pineapple and mandarin oranges and corn.

Have a great day!
