WF Daily Explorations Friday 5/11

A special thank you to the Garden Growing Committee and the families who came out last night to finish planting the garden! We are so grateful to you for the time and energy you’ve put into this project!


When Simon’s dad, David, dropped him off this morning, Wee Friends attached themselves to his leg, forcing him to drag them around the classroom just like…..parasites! This offered us a perfect segue to our Creepy Crawler study: parasites. (Thank you, David!) After David left, we pulled out our book and read about the different kinds of parasites. We discussed how some parasites suck juices out of their ‘host’. This led to an exploration asking “What can you suck through a straw?” We experimented with sucking water, applesauce, paper, peas and finally, a cloth napkin.







Afterwards, Melinda set up tracks and friends had ball races using straws (and a lot of air!)to move the balls.




A few friends lingered at the art table continuing to suck water with their straws.

We had a long rehearsal for Spring Joy! and are so excited about sharing this and dinner with everyone Monday night, May 14th, 5:30-7p. Here are a few updated details:

  1. Please bring your dish (and serving spoon if needed!) to the park. Here’s a change: We will be setting up and eating on the picnic tables next to the Chris Wilson Pavilion at Potawatomi Park.
  2. Spring Joy! will begin promptly at 6pm and run about 20 minutes.
  3. Teachers will aim at leaving WF at 5:30 in order to make it to the park in time!
  4. Melinda has taped a simple costume request to each cubby for you to take home.

Please talk to us with questions or concerns and thanks again for all your support for this special evening!

Wee Sprouts today are broccoli crowns and carrots. Breakfast was Oatmeal Squares and pear slices. for lunch, Lisa made whole wheat penne pasta salad with chicken, peas and broccoli and pears.

Have a terrific Mother’s Day weekend!