WWF, 5/14/2012

Happy Monday!

We spent most of our morning outside! Sloane and Olivia played in the house together while Ozzie practiced his balancing skills on the tree stumps. P.K. sat near plants and the tree stumps. He observed different nature objects around him. He felt the tree stump and the leaves with his hand.

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While outside, Ellie laughed at someone she thought was very funny! Marina and Olivia stood along the railing and used their arms to hold them up along with their legs.

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Aiden and Clara had the house all to themselves while their older friends slept! Aiden loved playing in his bouncy seat while Clara stood beside him. Clara also played with the toys on Aiden’s seat. They were laughing together and Clara retrieved a couple toys for Aiden which was very thoughtful!

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Clara worked with the felt board using different felt shapes.

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Aiden had floor time where he moved himself over to the bouncy seat where he felt the floor of his seat. The bottom is rigidity with line marks. He moved his hand across the lines multiple times. Clara sat with Miss Mindy and read books. She helped turn the pages in the correct direction and even pointed at some of the pictures.

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Also, don’t forget about the potluck that is taking place tonight! It will start around 5:30 with our Wee Friends putting on a special performance at 6:00! Food will follow the performance. We look forward to seeing you there!

Breakfast this morning was cheerios and apples. AM snack was carrots and broccoli. Lunch consisted of English muffin with cream cheese and melted shredded cheese, apples, and mixed vegetables. PM snack was crackers and apples.

Have a great evening!
