WF Daily Explorations, Farm 5-16-12

Please remember to allow enough time at pickup for the short walk from the church parking lot since our parking section will be blocked off for the rest of the week while the sidewalks are being replaced.  Thanks so much for your cooperation in this!!!

What a beautiful day to explore the farm!  Please note that WWF will have a farm day on May 23rd, so the WF group will be taking a week off.  I don’t have as many pictures today since we forgot the camera.  We used our iPhones to snap a few moments to share.

Today at the farm we:

Took turns holding the baby chicks!

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Caught and held chickens.  Both Ada and Vivian were thrilled to have been able to catch their first chickens!

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We spent the rest of our time helping with the gardening.  The children took turns planting sunflowers, beans, and corn. They worked together to achieve the perfect spacing and to stay in straight rows!  Ada carefully placed the yellow flags at the end of the garden to designate the rows.  In between planting, the children enjoyed playing on the line of hay bales and collecting rocks out of the garden and putting them in buckets.photo5

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Back at WF the children spent much of the morning watching the sidewalks be demolished.  Miss Melinda and Miss Lisa took the children out to perform Jack Hammer Joy to the workers who appreciated the WF original songSmile




Inside, the children worked on Spring Joy collages and spent quite a bit of time doing small group work surrounding the Slugs and Snail book!

Our breakfast today was toasted bagels and banana.  Lunch consisted of roast beef with whole wheat noodles, french cut green beans,  fresh pear slices.




