WWF, 5/16/2012

Good Afternoon!

Ozzie started his Wednesday off by bringing in cars into the kitchen where the car tracks awaited for him! He made sure to line up the cars in a row and was very meticulous about where the cars parked.



Miss Marty walked over to the lego area where she found Sloane and Ozzie laying on the floor. She asked them what they were doing. Their response was, “We’re taking a nap!”


Ellie flashed a smile as she was reading stories to herself on the carpet!


Our friends spent a good portion of the morning in the kitchen where they used markers to draw on different kinds of paper. Olivia picked up two markers and colored with them on her paper.


After everyone was done coloring, they pitched in and helped clean up. Our friends each grabbed a wash cloth and made sure it was wet. They cleaned the table as well as the floor. This was a big help!


We headed to the bridge where our friends participated in music time. P.K. enjoyed touching the small and thin strings on the guitar. Children put their hands in the air and waved them around. They followed directions and twirled around as well.


Our friends witnessed an exciting project that is underway: the sidewalks are getting repaved! Marina thought it was a little too loud so she put her hands on her ears. Children asked about the ‘bobcat’ and why it was here. We talked to them about the sidewalks getting fixed and how they were going to fix them.


When music time was all over, we sang one last song. Sloane and Marina clapped their hands together when we were all done!


We travelled inside so we could put our instruments away and grab a snack. We immediately went outside to the backyard! Again, our friends found the bobcat! They talked to their friends about the cement that they could see.


We looked next door and who did we see? Our Wee Friends! They observed the ‘bobcat’ and talked about whether the cement was light or heavy.


Chloe and Ozzie grabbed the blue dogs. Chloe chose to ride hers and push herself with her feet while Ozzie decided to push his. He even started running!


Ellie played inside the wooden house where she filled different containers with rocks.


Sloane used a big shovel to scoop up sand and dump it into a cupcake container.


For breakfast, our friends had cheerios and banana. AM snack was cucumbers. Lunch consisted of pita bread, hummus, mixed vegetables, and banana. PM snack was rice cakes with cream cheese and pears.

Have a great evening!
