WF Daily Explorations Friday 5/18



Yesterday friends waited and then clamored to see Eddie and his crew pour the cement to create new sidewalks! After seeing them work so hard, Kai suggested to Lisa “Let’s give the guys the rest of our popsicles!” They really appreciated it.



When Eddie returned today, a few friends ran to the window shouting out questions: “Eddie! Where is the jackhammer! Eddie! Where are your tools? Eddie, what are you doing?”


We opened the door, visited with Eddie, and got the answers to our questions.


Back inside, friends finished their bug puppets by choosing to either turn them into a mask with a headband or put a handle on the back to carry it.




Sharing. A life skill we use all of our lives. Today we introduced the concept of the “double dog dare”. We explained to our friends that this meant offering a friend (or yourself!) a very big challenge for the day. As friends began talking with one another, challenges such as “use words”, “don’t whine”, “be nice”, “share” were discussed. We ended the conversation with one big request –TO SHARE!-in the form of a new song “Why Should I Share?”. So far, the double dog dare has made for another peaceful day with friends enjoying one another and the classroom activities.


We’re moving away from bugs and out into the world!


Friends gathered around the art table to create one dimensional replicas of the earth. Our older friends discussed the concept of one dimensional art and our younger ones, color and color associations. We message boarded what the earth is made of and chose colors that represented the stated ideas.









On Monday, each friend will create their own Paper Mache globe to chart their journey around the earth!


Breakfast this morning was oatmeal with apple slices. For lunch, we served farm fresh egg casserole, applesauce and celery sticks.

The Guisinger-Nickerson Family has extended an invitation to Wee Friends posted on the cubbies as you enter WF Classroom!

Have a great weekend!