WF Daily Explorations Thursday 5/24


Parent Communication:

We have started spending a lot of time outside and today, we pulled out the water table and let the hose trickle for sand play. Please check your child’s bathroom cubby to make sure they have at least two changes of clothes for after these water play experiences. Thank you so much!


The Earth’s Core

“The inner core, the outer core, the mantle and the crust.

The inner core, the outer core, the mantle and the crust.

The four layers of the earth…….TRUST US!”

Today we began with a study of the earth’s core. First we studied a photograph of the four layers of the earth. As we discussed it, Arleigh exclaimed “Look! Here’s the earth’s core!” as she placed a rock onto her headband. Then we learned a song. Lastly, friends gathered around the art table to assemble the four parts of the earth, layer by layer, cupful by cupful.




Many friends chose to experiment with motion. They placed several items first, in the center of the Lazy Susan, and next, toward the out rim. They spun it around and studied which items fell off first and why.



Burning hot lava was a part of our discussion and Lisa played a video that examined an erupting volcano. They learned and discussed what a volcanic vent is.



We choreographed our new song…..


…..and spent a lot of time building, improvising, stretching, climbing and sharing in the hopscotch/habitrail area.

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Our creative music making began with a hunt for the number 3. We played “Rainbow Connection” and listened for 3 to make an appearance (3/4 time). She did and we tapped our rhythm sticks to 3/4 time. Mostly we enjoyed listening to Kermit the Frog.




We also learned dance steps to “Why Should I Share?”, focusing mostly on the twirling of our partners!



We rocked out to “Le Freak” and “Dynamite”. This free form dancing is not only a great gross motor exercise, but it gives our friends a creative opportunity to experience how their bodies fill the space all around them. Especially in relationship to their friends bodies!  _MG_2764

As always, we end this wild dance time with music meditation and a chance to take deep breaths, and slow the energy down. Now, when friends hear “Puppy Love”, they automatically find a lovie (stuffed or human) and cuddle on the oval rug to rest.




We ended the morning with water play!



_MG_2769 Breakfast was Oatmeal Cinnamon Squares and bananas. For lunch, Lisa prepares whole wheat tortillas stuffed with hummus. Fresh cucumbers and mandarin oranges.

Have a terrific day!