WWF, A Great Ending.. 6/1/2012


Happy Friday!


Today we said goodbye to four very important people at Wee Wee Friends: our fabulous teacher, Paulina and three wonderful children: Olivia, Aiden, and Ozzie.

Paulina has been a huge part of Wee Wee Friends and we are truly going to miss her. Paulina and her family are heading back to their roots in Chile in December! While they’re in for a great experience, the Wee Wee family will sure miss her and her family as well.

Aiden, Olivia, and Ozzie have been children who have blossomed here while at Wee Wee Friends. Ozzie is heading back to Boston while Aiden and Olivia are taking the summer to spend quality time with their Mom and Dad! Their personalities will be missed so much!

We wish everyone (adults and children) the very best after their Wee Wee life!

**Also, just as a reminder that starting Monday, Wee Wee Friends will go down to eight children and two teachers, Marty and Mindy. Jada will be transitioning to Wee Friends on Monday and we know she’s going to do great!

On a happy Smile note, we had a great day at Wee Wee! Our day started off with group book reading that children enjoyed very much. They requested different books that they wanted to read.


Children became very sensorial when Oobleck was made. It is a substance that when rolled into a ball together is hard but when you release it, it becomes liquid. It can be made by mixing 1 cup cornstarch and 1/2 cup water. Food coloring can be added for a fun effect. While some of our children loved getting their hands deep into the substance and manipulating it, others wanted to have soft touches. Even though there were differing levels of involvement, children did a great job at trying something new!



Paulina started up a dancing session in the living room where we listened to a new CD. We clapped our hands, stomped our foot, and snapped our fingers along with the music.


Our friends next door at Wee Friends offered us the rest of their salt dough! Our children were so grateful! They used ABC’s and pipe cleaners to make interesting sculptures.




For breakfast, we had corn bran and banana. AM snack was carrots. Lunch consisted of ham sandwiches, carrots, and strawberries. PM snack was a special brownie for Paulina, Olivia, Aiden, and Ozzie’s last day along with apples and string cheese.

Hope everyone has a safe weekend!
