WF Daily Explorations Friday 6/8

Parent Reminders:

  • Wee Friends will be closed Friday June 29-July 6 and opening again on Monday July 9.
  • A weasel attacked Farmer Charlotte’s henhouse this week and depleted her egg supply. As a result, WF will not have any eggs until further notice!

Peer mentoring! Yesterday, after lunch, Sydney and Taylor offered to help our younger Wee Friends with their Bob Books.




The last couple days we have read Miss Smith’s Incredible Storybook by Michael Garland. We’ve had great conversations about how to bring books to life, as if the characters of the stories jump out of the page and say hello! Friends have shared who they would be if they could jump out of a story book.


We spent every moment of our morning outside. Melinda set up a science exploration. She filled a bin up with bubbles, added a squirt of magenta watercolor and friends blew air out of straws to make bubbles!






Inside, as we lunched, a friend refilled a water pitcher with warm water. From across the room Elliott expressed “That’s hot water.” We asked “How can you tell?” We had a great lunch conversation comparing hot/cold water.


We filled up the water table and enjoyed being with our Wee Wee Friends.


Ada and Elliott got a groove going in which Ada would pour water from a top tube and Elliott would catch it from the end of the tube. We discussed teamwork and this became the shared word around the water table: “Look! Teamwork!”




We blew bubbles under the tree and Nate started singing “Bubbles in the Bathtub” expressing “I like that song.”


Kai watered marigolds and we stopped and smelled the most fragrant and luscious WF roses.


A lovely, peaceful, feels like summer, day.

On Monday, we welcome Ada’s mom, Tiffany, to Wee Friends to learn about and explore several great Master painters. We can’t wait!

Wee Sprouts today are snap peas. Breakfast was Corn Flakes and apple slices. For lunch we had cheese pizza on whole wheat crust, watermelon and carrot sticks. Our friends are making their own snack today: fruit kebabs!

Have a terrific weekend!


A couple blogs we love that offer great ideas/stories/teaching philosophies: