WF Daily Explorations Monday 6/11

Parent Reminder:

  • Next week is the last gymnastics Monday!

The day got off to a quiet start as our two groups of Wee Friends took turns on the Blue Bus. It’s official! Today, Sloane joins our classroom as a Wee Friend! Welcome Sloane!


Cassie will also be with us all summer! We’re glad you’re here!!




We were delighted to welcome Ada’s mom, Tiffany Johnson Bidler, this morning for her presentation on portraiture. She chose four different styles of portraits and discussed the differences: profile (Arcimboldi), naturalistic (da Vinci), abstract (Leger) and expressive (Matisse)._MG_3342

She passed out different coins and had friends find the portrait on the coin._MG_3349




When she discussed abstract portraits, she used a drawing Ada had created and pointed out that abstract art uses different shapes (circles, ovals, rectangles, cylinders, etc.) to create portraits. We discovered that most of us are abstract painters, particularly in the journal work we produce.


To further illustrate this concept, she passed around an African wooden doll that exemplified abstract art with it’s many shapes and designs. She also explained that this doll was hung around the necks of expecting mothers to ensure a healthy baby and hopefully, a girl!



Afterwards, we created our own portrait of Tiffany using different shapes of fruit. Each friend decided where their piece of fruit would be placed.





We said goodbye to Tiffany with a song and a huge thanks for sharing her expertise with us!


Later, a small group of friends gathered around the art table to continue their own independent study of portraits. Be sure to check these out on the wall in the habitrail!






Today’s Wee Sprouts are carrots. Breakfast was Cheerios and apple slices. Lunch is whole wheat penne pasta with ham and cheese, French cut green beans and watermelon.

Enjoy your day!