WF Daily Explorations Monday 6/18


Today Baboo took us to Italy!


Using a food map/work of art (it could have been Giuseppe Arcimboldo!) he taught us many things about Italy. “First,” he said, “in Italy, people eat slowly. People make pizza slowly.” He counted to ten in Italian (a few friends followed him in Spanish). He showed us olives and explained what olive oil is.


He brought in a pictorial book of Italy, a cookbook and Marta’s baby book. Marta’s book had audio recordings of Baboo, Nona and her Aunt in Italy. We talked about how Baboo’s voice sounded differently then our voices.




Baboo explained to us that Italians like to use their hands to speak. He taught us several hand gestures to express words: hello/goodbye, hungry, ‘I’m thinking’ and ‘after’.




He showed us where Italy is on our globe and we compared that shape to the one on the food map.


And then…..he served us pistachio gelato!





Thank you, Baboo for a great trip! We will be spending our whole week there!

And after our first day in Italy—–we ran outside to play in the water sprinkler!!















Oh Happy Day! We said goodbye to Miss Jennifer and the Blue Bus this morning and will see her again after Labor Day.

Wee Sprouts: carrots and pea pods, Breakfast: Cheerios and pear slices, Lunch: Whole grain rice and red beans, fruit salad and broccoli.

Have a great day!

One thought on “WF Daily Explorations Monday 6/18

  1. Thanks to Baboo for what looks to be a great adventure today! Finn appears mesmerized bythe presentation in the pictures! This intensity is generally reserved for only trains and planes! How lucky are we to have such an international group of friends?
    Have a great day!

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