Good Afternoon!
Zoey started off her morning with floor time where she rolled from her back to her stomach with no trouble! She propped herself up using her arms and preceded to reach for toys with her hands.
She is becoming more aware of her hands and feet. Her hands have been in her mouth and she’s been feeling her toes.
This morning, our children focused on their gross motor skills by climbing on the jungle gym, sliding down the slide, and jumping once they got off the slide.
P.K. is becoming a huge fan of our newest gross motor activity! He slides down on his belly and walks down the steps. He is more confident in the moves that he does and when he does fall, he gets right back up!
Chloe played peek-a-boo with her friends today! She loved hiding and then jumping up and saying, “Here I am!”
Miss Marty took a few friends on an exciting ride! They bounced along while singing songs.
P.K. and Clara made sure to use nice touches with one another today! Clara gave P.K. a hug and P.K. leaned in to accept it.
There are gorgeous flowers blooming in the back yard! We talked about the different colors of each flower and made sure to smell them with our nose. Marina thought the pink flower smelled pretty. P.K. used soft touches with the sunflower.
Marina and Chloe rode along side each other as they peddled on their tricycles. They both used their leg muscles to push themselves forward.
Clara and P.K. opened and closed the door and window to the pretend house outside. P.K. looked up in the sky to see a plane that was flying by.
Marina and Chloe each got on a teeter totter and preceded to ride them together. They both sang, “teeter-totter, teeter-totter.”
For breakfast, our friends had cheerios and oranges. Everyone loves oranges! AM snack was corn. Lunch consisted of tuna sandwich, blueberries, and carrots. PM snack was honey graham crackers and raisins.
Have a terrific evening!