WF Daily Explorations Thursday 7/19


Name Day in the Land of the Midnight Sun

On Monday, Amy taught us that in Sweden, each day has a designated name of honor, making it a Name Day. Today, Wee Friends celebrated their names, first by counting the letters in their names and then by tracing as many letters as they could in salt. The texture and softness of the salt was inviting…so too was the taste….








Lisa found The Name Game. We acted out each lyric.



She also found the definitions for each friend’s name. We gathered at the art table to begin creating self portraits inspired by our name’s meaning.

We acted out another book that Nate brought in called:







We ended our good manners exploration with our French Hip Hop song “Mind Your Manners”.

Sydney guided her friends in gymnastics routines. She set up an age appropriate balance beam and helped her friends walk across.




Friendships continue to grow as Wee Friends work together, talk together and learn to negotiate the sometimes turbulent pirate waters of their play!_MG_5584_MG_5590







Nate began his day jumping into a water volcano.  To support his imagination and interest in the rain, we collected rain water, a tub, a cooking funnel and a measuring cup and created our own water volcano.



We have all enjoyed creating the embroidered Wee Friends House and are so close to completing it!




Wee Sprouts: snap peas. Breakfast: Chex and bananas. Lunch: Cheese filled ravioli, broccoli, and cantaloupe.

Hope you’re having a great day.