WF Daily Explorations Friday 7/20


Today we leave The Land of the Midnight Sun and set our sights on Virginia! Next Wednesday, Kai’s mom, Crystal, will come and share information about her home state. It’s the first (and far!) trip within our own USA that we will have made! We can’t wait Crystal!

Friends spent most of this amazing morning outside. Every inch of the WF playground is used for creative play.







The sensational sensorial rocks and sand have been ice cream, smoothies, pies and today chef Finn created Stinky Soup. He used his T-shirt pocket as a hook to carry around his pot. 


The trees have been elevators and have great leaves to pick and pull and become something….


The garden ledges and log posts are balance beams and scary passages to scary places. _MG_5627

Buckets are swimming pools for slugs and beetles.


The deck, sandbox, climbing cottage and swing are communal spots where friends talk, build friendships, fight for their rights and learn to work together.



The sidewalks become singing paths, airplane strips, race tracks and bike paths.


The garden is a daily biology lesson as friends watch plants, flowers and vegetables grow and see bugs of every kind creeping around.  Have we mentioned a HUGE THANKS to the Chadderton/Tank family for the automatic sprinkler timers they installed last Friday? Thank you for helping the garden grow!

And happy Friday.











Wee Sprouts: Pea Pods. Breakfast: Chex and pears. Lunch: Turkey sandwiches on whole wheat bread, apple slices and mixed veggies.