Good Afternoon!
Today, we had great story time. Our friends read with a group and individually. Our friends love listening to a good story. Not only does this allow for student-teacher bonding but also friends building relationships by reading together. Children’s comprehension of reading books is growing. They know certain parts of their favorite books.
Friends sat quietly in different places throughout the room.
Zoey continues to work on floor time and finding things to keep her interest peaked! She loves the toys that her friends bring her throughout the day. Her head is continuously up as she lays on her belly. She looks around the room at her surroundings.
Wee Wee’s played dress up this morning. A few favorites included the magician cape as well as the pink flower dress. We’re working with our friends on asking politely when they ask for help. For instance, asking “Can you please help?” when needing assistance.
Ellie loved standing on her head and continued to practice her downward facing dog pose. She balanced on her hands and feet. Once she was balanced, she kicked her feet up and then landed in the same position.
For breakfast, children enjoyed eggs and banana. AM snack was string cheese. Lunch consisted of turkey sandwiches, banana and mango, and cucumber slices. PM snack was a delicious orange and banana smoothie along with cantaloupe.
Have a great evening!