WF Daily Explorations Tuesday 7/31


A while back, WNIT and the local Sesame Street producing team scheduled with Tami to be here these first few days of the week. While Tami hasn’t heard from them , we are optimistic that they will follow through. We will keep you posted as we learn more!


Today, Lisa asked the kids “Who are the people in your neighborhood and what are their jobs?” Next we talked about our own community of Wee Friends and friends expressed what their jobs are. Here’s what they said:











Later, we read Nate’s book:


We talked about courageous Olympic athletes and all the ways we practice courage throughout our day.


Wee Sprouts: Pea pods. Breakfast: Oatmeal with cantaloupe. Lunch: Ham and cream cheese rolls, green beans and applesauce.

Have a great day.