So today wasn’t your ordinary day here at Wee Friends… First, it is Kai’s 6th Birthday today. Kai, who has been with Wee Friends since he was a two month old tiny little infant. Kai who was a joy filled baby who charmed us with his beautiful blue eyes. Kai, our rambunctious wobbler who showed no fear….ever. Kai, our emotionally intense toddler who spent his days waffling between jubilation and devastation. Kai, who as a preschooler was overflowing with curiosity and energy and a love of nature. Kai , our Kindergartener who has shown a sense of leadership, helpfulness, and stability that has guided our classroom throughout the year. Kai, who is leaving us at the end of the month (sniffle..sniffle) to move on to his next journey: 1st grade at Good Shepherd Montessori! Kai, we will miss you dearly and feel blessed that we had you for the entirety of your early childhood years.
Second, we had a special day in honor of Kai’s Birthday and his love of reptiles. Miss Lisa, arranged with Aaron and Ryan to come out and teach the children about their reptiles again. They also left with us an Anole Lizard (named Kai) as our new classroom pet! He’s the tiny olive green dude in the pics…not intimidating at all
I will let the pictures tell the story of our fantastic experience enjoying the hands-on activity!
You can hire Aaron and Ryan for your own reptile show. Aaron Honchell, at Ra Ra Reptiles can be reached at 574-315-0771. That were magnificent and worthy of the referral!
A few quotes we overheard:
Jane, “ Big Daddy, I love ya!’
Arleigh, “ That’s a dinosaur.”
Kai, “That’s what snakes do, they smell with their tongues.”
Vivian, “They can bite your fingers off!”
Elliott, “ I saw a fire truck and dinosaur at the park.”
Simon, “How big do they have to get before they die?”
Sydney,”Oh that feels good!”
Ada, “ Did he burp?”
Taylor, “It feels like a rock.”
Macy, “It’s softer than a feather.”
Breakfast was whole wheat bagels and cantaloupe. Lunch was egg salad on flat bread, cucumbers and fresh pear slices.