For the last month or so, Wee Friends have been watching a Morning Dove mama in a tree. Last week, we noticed a wee baby under her breast. Today, we brought grown up binoculars to school to see if we could study the mama and her baby more closely. Friends enjoyed seeing their whole world up close.
Wee Friends love cups. Last week, Melinda bought two packages of plastic cups for the playground. They have served friends in the most educational way: identifying colors and shapes, sharing, pulling lids off and pushing that back on, filling, dumping and scooping, and seeking and finding.
Lisa continued the cup exploration inside by guiding friends as they practiced pouring water into cups, from various sized pitchers.
When we listen very carefully, we are reminded just how many times each day we hear “Let’s pretend……..”. Wee Friends thrive and delight and learn in their worlds of pretend play. Our preschool quartet spent nearly an hour in Pretend Puppy Land. They were very specific about their play and in a sense, are being very clear about their needs. i.e. “I am a mad Chihuahua!” “You are a bad guy and when you eat this you turn good. When you eat it again…you turn bad!” “You are a bad guy and I am on your lap and you try to keep me on your lap.” When we, as teachers, read between the lines of play, we learn a lot. They really like bad guys.
Puppy massages with delicious smelling lotion.
Literacy. Everyday.
Ada wondered where the location went after it was rubbed into her skin. We used TP to explore a porous, absorbent material, like our skin. She saw what happened to the lotion.
After the pouring exercise, Lisa added bubbles and watercolor and rags and the sensorial experience continued, engaging friends for the whole activity hour!
Three year olds LOVE Magana Tiles. Love them.
And Wee Sprouts.
And watching themselves chew Wee Sprouts.
Wee Sprouts: WF garden green beans. Breakfast: Peanut buttered toast on whole bread and bananas. Lunch: Whole grain cous cous with ham and cheddar cheese, cantaloupe and Cassie’s fresh garden tomatoes. (Thanks, Cassie and Michelle!) PM Snack: Banana/Mango smoothies and crackers.
Have a great day.