On Monday Miss Jennifer will be back with the Blue Bus. Here’s the group breakdown:
9:00-9:30- Ada, Jane, Arleigh, Finn, Nate, Marta and Jada. 9:30-10:00- Elliott, Sophie, Ellie, Marina, Sloane and Lea.
Today we concentrated on sorting like colors, popping peas from the pods, patterning nature’s jewels and identifying alphabet letter stamps.
And smelling the earth’s blossoms.
Wee Sprouts: WF home grown carrots. Breakfast: Cheerios, pear slices and PB on whole wheat tortillas. Lunch: Roast beef and cheddar cheese on whole wheat bread, WF green beans and pear slices. Snack: Whole wheat crackers and watermelon.
Have a great weekend.