HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELLIOTT!!! Today Elliott turns three. What’s it like to feel free when you turn three?
The wild abandon of being three (and every other WF age…including the grown ups ) began with the Blue Bus. They worked on the balance beam and the obstacle course. On the beam, the practiced a routine with high kicks, tuck jumps, scales and pivot turns. They walked forwards and backwards. The culminated in a combination of all the skills!
We saw it all day as we began our work and play. The sense of freedom that total pride in a creation brings.
The freedom of friends knowing they can do something…..all by themselves.
The freedom of having big kid friends looking out for you. And having little kid friends to take care of.
Daddy love. The ultimate feeling of freedom!
Same with Mommy Love.
Freedom comes with independent explorations. Figuring things out for yourself and learning to use materials.
Contagious Happy Birthday Freedom when you are a part of making a gift for a friend.
Feeling safe in a circle with a teacher, hearing a new story and laughing out loud!
Finding slugs and worms and bugs. A feeling of abandon that only nature’s wonder can wrap around us.
Finding the place that makes you smile. And sticking with it. Sweet Freedom.
And the lunch bells. They make friends run and squeal and they fill teachers up with the sweet sound of a church bell chiming and singing its song.
Wee Sprouts: Cucumbers. Breakfast: Cream cheese on whole wheat bagels and bananas. Lunch: Whole wheat penne pasta with marinara, corn and banana/orange fruit salad. Snack: Elliott’s Birthday Celebration Banana Bread.
Have a great day.