Happy Monday!
A big welcome to our new friend, Eve! She is 17 months and had a great first day! All of our new friends have been very welcoming .
We headed outside this morning. Clara and Eren ran around with one another to get warmed up.
Friends tested out different parts of the backyard. It was still wet from the rain earlier in the day so friends helped Miss Mindy clean the slides off!
P.K. has been fascinated with worms lately. He’ll go to every corner of the yard in search of worms. He found one this morning and immediately went to his friends to show them. Throughout the entire morning, he found two worms!
Clara worked on her balancing skills. It’s great when our friends get to work on different skills while enjoying the outdoors. For example, balancing skills and jumping. Our Wee Wee’s love to jump down the hill and the steps.
The pebbles were a popular place for our friends to work on filling and dumping.
P.K. enjoyed playing in the house by himself this morning. He was talking a lot to himself before his friends decided to join in on the fun!
Our newest little friend enjoyed floor time today. She’s really working on tummy time. While laying on the floor, she lays on the baby jungle gym. She is fascinated with the different toys that are hanging above her head.
Zoey is crawling all over the place. When she gets to her destination, she pulls herself up using the shelves and gets different toys out. She is becoming so mobile and she’s loving being able to crawl to where her friends are at.
Zoey also enjoyed riding the lion today with Miss Mindy’s help.
Everyone pitched in this afternoon to help build a train track. We all did a great job with sharing and taking turns.
For breakfast, children enjoyed bagels with soy butter and pears. Lunch consisted of whole wheat macaroni and cheese, green peas, and applesauce. PM snack was crackers and string cheese.
Have a terrific evening!