WWF, 10/22/2012


Good Afternoon!

Daniel read animal books this morning with Miss Marty. He’s picking up the animals and the sounds associated with that animal very quickly!


Friends gathered in the kitchen to interact with one another. They baked and cooked food for their friends. Eve wanted a pot and Eren handed it to her. A goal throughout the day that we strive for is sharing or waiting until a friend is done with a toy and using as many words as possible!


Daniel and Eren lined up numerous cars along the shelves. They helped each other by handing one another different cars.


Eve played pretend this morning with a baby doll. She fed her baby a bottle and rocked her to sleep.


We headed outside where it was quite nice! Friends went down the slide together. Children helped Miss Mindy clean the slides off because they were wet!


Eren has almost mastered the stairs! When he first started, he walked around the stairs to avoid them. Now, he takes them straight on! Along with Eren, our friends love the different challenges that are posed to them outside.


Eren enjoyed working with wet sand and feeling it between his fingers. The sensorial input the our friends get outside is great!


Zoey worked on trying to pull herself up using the table. She was all smiles as she tried again and again.


Our newest little friend sat with Zoey as they looked at different toys together.


A few friends played with animals this afternoon. Eve worked on saying the sounds that each animal makes.


Peek-A-Boo I see you!


For breakfast, children had cinnamon toast and pears. AM snack was corn. Lunch consisted of whole wheat noodles with marinara sauce, apples, and green peas. PM snack was animal crackers and string cheese.


Have a terrific evening!!
