Happy Wednesday!
**Just a reminder, we are closed Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving. Have a happy and safe holiday weekend! We’ll see you back here Monday, November 26th!
Clara worked with puzzles this morning. She pointed to the multiple puzzles that are on the shelf and said, “help!” When she finished the puzzle that she was working on, she did her happy dance!
P.K. joined her and they worked on puzzles with one another.
Smiles and happiness filled our air today. Maybe they knew it was a short week? (more family time)
Friends joined our littlest friend on the floor as they bonded and had some relaxing time.
Emma read her favorite book for quite some time: The Wheels On The Bus!
Jump, Jump, Jump!
High in the air! Reach for the sky!
Emma enjoyed working in the log house using pebbles and sticks. She built an extravagant building with her materials.
We went on a hunt. Through the woods back to Wee Wee Friends we go!
Our littlest friend loved watching the fish swim by her.
For breakfast, children had malto-meal and banana. AM snack was string cheese. Lunch consisted of chicken strips, pears, and green peas. PM snack was goldfish and raisins.
Have a terrific weekend!