Happy Monday!
Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend! It was wonderful to get back into the swing of things .
We started our Monday off with story time. Friends got back into the routine after being home for a long weekend!
As the music was playing, children asked for the circular rings. Friends put them on the floor, around their head, and their arms. We counted them and talked about the colors of each ring.
Zoey spent time in the cube area full of pillows. She loved the feeling of the pillows on her body. While rolling around in the cube, she played with blocks.
P.K. spent time making a train track. He made sure to tell friends “mine” as he played. We’re working on telling our friends “mine” or “no thank you” when we’re playing by our self.
Children gathered on the jungle gym area where we worked on gross motor skills. Laughing and smiling took place as we jumped up and down.
Daniel and P.K. worked on a puzzle together. Each child took a piece and placed it into the correct spot in the puzzle board.
Our littlest friend enjoyed various tummy time activities such as on the boppy and on Ms. Marty’s lap! She has found her tongue and is having a blast exploring it!
Clara clapped her hands as she twirled around while dancing to music. P.K joined in by bouncing up and down.
For breakfast, children had bagels with cinnamon and pears. AM snack was string cheese. Lunch consisted of pasta with pork and black beans, oranges, and cucumbers. PM snack was blueberry muffins and pears.
Hope everyone has a terrific evening!