WWF, 11/27/2012


Good Afternoon.

“Vroom!” That’s how our morning started off: fast and on the move! P.K. pushed cars across the floor and made several car noises as he was doing this.


After children were done playing with the cars, as a group, we built a train track. Friends shared the cars and trains with one another. There were a few times where the train would come undone and P.K. made sure to put it back together.



We had a great time doing this group activity. Friends took turns putting trains on the train track.


We set up tempera paint in the kitchen where children took turns at the art easel.

P.K. took his brush and pushed down on the paper. When he did this, the paint squirted off his paint brush and onto the paper. He also enjoyed making lines while using soft strokes.


Daniel made sure to look carefully at each paint color before he used it on his paper. He looked into each cup full of paint.


Eren dabbed his paint brush on the paper. He enjoyed looking at all of the different colors that were available to paint with.


Eve was soft and gentle as she painted on her paper. She looked down and realized she had paint on her hands! She finished painting and then we went to the sink and washed the paint off Smile.


Clara studied her work hard. As the paint went onto the paper, she watched it carefully and made sure to use most of the paper available. The different strokes that she used allowed her artwork to be different on each paper that she painted.



Friends P.K. and Eren sat with one another as they built a train. Eren handed P.K. different parts to the train as P.K. assembled it.


We were so gentle with babies this morning. Each friend got a baby and a blanket. They wrapped the baby up, burped the baby, or fed the baby. Clara said, “Shh..baby sleeping.”


Our smallest Wee Wee friend enjoyed time on her boppy as she played with different toys. Her reach is getting better everyday!


For breakfast, children had blueberry muffins and oranges. Lunch consisted of turkey sandwiches on whole wheat bread, banana, and snap peas. PM snack was string cheese and animal crackers.

Have a great night.
