WWF, HAPPY BIRTHDAY P.K.!, 1/25/2013



**To refresh our parents on an important parking policy that we have, please make sure that you are ONLY parking in front of Wee Friends/Wee Wee Friends for NO MORE than 10 minutes. If you feel that you’re going to be more than 10 minutes, please park in the parking pad or down at the church. Our neighbors are aware of our parking policy and they appreciate our cooperation. If you have any questions about this policy, please feel free to ask! Thanks!

Happy 2nd Birthday P.K.! We had a great day celebrating Peter Kevin’s birthday! We hope you had a terrific birthday!


Today was one of those gross motor days. Friends falling, jumping, running, and crashing into things. We switched up our gross motor area. For now, we have the big blocks and the stairs and slide combo. We said bye-bye to the jungle gym as we are in a transition in the gross motor area. Our friends enjoyed the change.





A few friends stuck around at the gross motor area for some time. Daniel, P.K., and Clara worked on their jumping abilities. Not only does this work on their balance and concentration, but it’s great exercise!


We flew through the air and jumped with grace! Children worked on jumping up into the air and landing on both feet.


Arms in the air and belly’s showing!




We sure did enjoy P.K.’s birthday treat for our afternoon snack along with hard boiled eggs! Thank you Buccellato family for bringing in this delicious treat! Smile For breakfast, friends had malto meal and apples. AM snack was corn. Lunch consisted of turkey and cheese sandwiches, corn, and apples/oranges.



We ended the afternoon with a let loose activity: dancing!


Have a terrific weekend!
