spark n. An incandescent particle, especially: One thrown off from a burning substance. One resulting from friction.
In our emergent curriculum classroom we’re always looking for sparks: a child initiated interest that sustains itself over a few days, or even a few weeks/months time. Our friend’s burning passions create an incandescence that results in one idea repeating itself over and over. We watch as the kid’s ideas rub together, combine and reshape themselves. The teachers catch the sparks and create Idea Webs for possible lessons. Before we know it, we find ourselves fully emerged in a child initiated study.
So that’s what we set out to catch today. Sparks.
Today it was Cinderella. At the top o’ the mornin’, a large group gathered beneath the habitrail for creative re-enactments of certain parts of the story. Then we read the book. We traced our feet to see how big OUR feet are (could they fit into the glass slipper?). Some friends colored their footprints in, others measured theirs.
An alligator made its way into our environment and Ada named her Mrs. Claw and proceeded to draw her portrait.
We are webbing a puzzle project. Months ago, Marta and Elliott’s puzzle passion sparked an interest that has spread throughout the classroom. After Christmas, Lisa and Tami bought at least ten new puzzles. We have a 4 level puzzle library to satisfy all of our friends developmental desires.
Delicious stories and page turning techniques.
What else can we do with our footprint exploration, we wondered. Hopscotch!
Peer mentoring.
Obstacle courses.
Role playing: Mother and baby
What happened when Cinderella heard the clock strike twelve? We keep the Cinderella thread connected and explore a circle with numbers (a clock for some). First we matched the corresponding numbers and later, in Laurie’s lunch group, we added hand. Friends pointed the small hand to a number and guessed what time they created. Then we counted the numbers backwards around the wheel. (We recreated our Thumbelina sun, knowing we have more time to make another set piece!)
We added a triangle to create a corresponding chime to the numbers on the clock.
After play rehearsal, we danced to Danny Kaye’s “Thumbelina”. Friends paired up and danced together safely and with excitement!
We didn’t get outside this am, but Lisa had an exercise plan ready to go. After reading a story, she explained her physical therapy journey to Wee friends. She explained what a physical therapist is/does and gave them examples of the exercises she does to keep her back strong. Friends stretched their backs and legs and hugged their knees. Incidentally, as I write, all of our nappers (who generally nap each day!) are asleep!
O my, the Wee sparks fly. And we are READY….SET….GO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wee Sprouts: Carrots. Breakfast: Oatmeal and pears. Lunch: Whole wheat penne pasta with red beans, broccoli and pineapple/banana fruit salad. Snack: Yogurt and apple slices.
Have a great day.