WF Tuesday 9/10


We gathered on the music rug before heading out for swimming. We sang our Good Morning Song and explored the idea of syllables (How many claps make your name?) in each friend’s name. We passes a bean bag around and played music. When the music stopped, the friend holding the bean bag stood up and said their name in a soft, medium or loud voice. They also shared the first letter of their name.

And then we danced. Ballet. Sloane shared her book The Magical Ballet Slippers by Nick Ellsworth and afterwards, we moved our bodies to Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty



The swimmers were very excited to leave for the Y this morning. There are many procedures between our front door and the edge of the pool and friends are working hard at establishing a routine!

Back at school, we decided to let our fingers (and later, hands, arms, legs and entire bodies) go swimming! With ice cubes and a bag of frozen greens, we discussed (and experienced) melting and defrosting. Then we made earth soup. And gave our baby dolls a much needed bath.


Breakfast: Peanut butter muffins and watermelon. Lunch: Hummus on whole wheat, watermelon and string beans. Snack: Kiwi and yogurt.

Have a great day.