WF 9/16 Happy Monday


THANK YOU, Garden Committee!!! We arrived to school today to find a sandbox spilling over with sand and a garden weeded, trimmed and delicious. We are so grateful and we love our back yard so much!!


While the Blue Bus groups rotated, Melinda invited friends to go on a letter hunt, filling a basket with objects that start with S…then L.

Welcome back Lisa! Everybody was excited to have Miss Lisa back and feeling better!


Math FAB K.1.5: Divide shapes into equal parts.

We pulled out the patterning blocks and invited friends to explore parts of a whole. Many friends created squares, diamonds and hexagons! Finners created a stop sign and The Leaning Tower of Finners.


A few friends continued exploring the letters ‘S’ and ‘L’. They threw a beanie bag and whichever letter it landed on, they named the letter and a stated a word that began with that letter.


A great start to a Wee Week.


Wee Sprouts: WF garden carrots. Breakfast: Whole wheat toast with cinnamon and pear slices. Lunch: Pasta with cheese and marinara, mixed veggies and grapes. Snack: Sesame seed crackers and peanut butter.

Have a great day!