WWF, 9/17/2013

Good Afternoon!

Friends engaged with one another this morning in the habitrail. Mimicking took place during this time. When one friend did something, the others followed. The group of two year olds that we have learn an awful lot from one another each and every day. Each child brings in a different set of knowledge and skills that they get from their family and friends (home environment).



We’re seeing parallel play happen with some of our friends. Parallel play can be described as children sitting next to one another during play but not necessarily playing WITH them. Once our friends get older, they’ll start to interact/talk to one another during this play time. Our play is ever changing and ever growing. This is one of the many benefits of multi-age classrooms. Throughout the day, we observed our younger friends watching our older friends intently. “They do it so I can too!” is the mentality that we see Smile.


Miss Monkey Emma had a blast outside pretending to be a monkey! She loved climbing on the log house and she had friends join her in her pretend play. The monkey play soon turned into lions growling around the yard!


For breakfast, children had cheesy eggs and oranges. Lunch consisted of tuna, whole grain bread, banana, and peas. PM snack was cottage cheese and chex.

Have a great evening!