Indoor Classroom: Lisa read a Halloween rhyming book. (Literacy FAB K.7.4-Recite short poems, rhymes and songs.) They created a Halloween circle story in which each friend contributed an idea to make the story!
Then onto Wee Math! Friends worked with the numbered peg boards. Numbered cards were taped all over the classroom and friends went on a scavenger hunt to find them. They re-gathered at the table and sequenced the numbers. Several friends worked on patterns with our miniature fruit.
An opportunity for a life skill lesson emerged and the topic was Kind Words.
Outdoor Classroom: The two main points of interest at the farm today were milkweed and tall grass! Friends were able to pull the feathery seeds out of the milkweed pods to create “fall snow”! On our prairie walk, friends found a field of very tall grass and ran, pushed, rolled, hid, stomped, pulled and laid in it. We looked for signs of fall all around us.
Wee Sprouts: Carrots. Breakfast: Cereal and bananas. Lunch: Brown rice with chicken, apple slices and corn. Snack: Homemade (hot from the oven!) buttered wheat bread.
Have a beautiful day.