WF 10/30 Brontorina

SPECIAL NOTE: There is a 100% chance of rain tomorrow! Please bring your child’s Halloween costume in a bag when you come to school tomorrow. If the Parade is not possible, we will keep the costumes in the bag throughout the day and they will be ready for you at pick up. Thank you!


Well, we all agree that boys can be ballet dancers. Today a similar question came up after reading Sloane’s magical FABULOUS book: Brontorina by James Howe. In this book, Brontorina, a dinosaur, KNOWS in her heart that she is a dancer. But can she dance? So we asked that question and furthermore “Can you be whatever you dream of being?”


Each friend answered the question by sharing with us who/what they chose to be for Halloween. We wrote their answer on a piece of paper and then they drew a picture of it.


Lisa numbered brown paper bags 1-10. Each friend chose a bag and filled it with that many classroom materials.


Lone Star Lizette made an appearance to discuss Trick or Treat safety with friends.


Can we be whomever we dream of being? Read Brontorina. You’ll see.


Wee Sprouts: Mixed raw veggies. Breakfast: Corn Flakes and Craisins. Lunch: Farm fresh egg casserole, fresh pineapple and peas. Snack: Homemade wheat bread with peanut butter.