WF Friday 11/15

Thanks to everyone who has brought in labeled, insulated mittens to keep at school! Here’s a friendly reminder if you have yet to bring a pair in for your Wee Friend!


A fishing boat was created this morning. Here’s the order of events that followed this one block creation:

Friends explained the details of their fishing boat. Owen explained they were catching bass. Finn described, in detail, the three different types of bass fish. Teacher offers fishing poles.

Lea sees the sailors and decides to become a mermaid. She casts other friends as mermaids, too. Teacher offers large blue sheet to represent ocean and yellow plastic sheet for sail.


Teacher puts on stormy music.

Teacher offers TP rolls around legs to create a mermaid fin. We explore how our feet feel by lifting, swirling and tapping our legs.


TP keeps breaking, friends get frustrated.

We try squishing two legs in one pant leg for a fin.

Things go down stream as friends disperse and fishing poles become, first oars, then weapons.

Exploration phase out. On to cars, puzzles, snuggling with books and a costume change.


Creative play is transferred to literacy opportunities as a few friends sit at the island and write out the words they used throughout their play.


Happy Friday!

Wee Sprouts: Cucumbers. Breakfast: Oatmeal and pear slices. Lunch: Peanut butter sandwiches, green beans and fresh fruit salad. Snack: Pear slices and cheese sticks.