Happy Friday!
Friends were very excited to get back on the Blue Bus today! They were also excited to count hearts. With numbered paper hearts, friends added and subtracted. Then they added dice. They added the numbers on the dice. They found the hearts that matched those numbers.
Santa had an evolving crew of elves making presents for his sack. Practically speaking, friends spent huge amounts of time cutting with scissors.
Tami read Boom Chicka Rock by John Archambault. Friends gathered around her to listen to a story, sing along AND count the numbers on the face of a clock. Later, they found an image of the clock on the reading center wall. They matched the book clock with the wall clock.
Friends were leaders and followers, dancers and athletes, architects and mathematicians, moms, dads, sisters, brothers and babies. A great way to end our week back.
Happy Friday and have a terrific weekend.
Wee Sprouts: Carrots. Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese and pear slices. Lunch: Hummus on whole wheat bread, mixed veggies and pear slices. Snack: Goldfish and bananas.