WWF, 1/21/2014

Good Afternoon!

We got to know our newest friend, Henri, who will start on Monday as Emma heads off to Wee Friends! The longer he was here, the more comfortable he became Smile. We can’t wait to get to know him along with his family!



Our older friends went into the kitchen where they requested magnatiles. We threw in some bugs and cars also.


Emma made a “big house!”



Tate and Maya bonded while playing with the big blocks in the gross motor area!


Emma put on a wonderful ballet performance for her friends and teachers. She even took a bow at the end Smile.


The habitrail was a happening place this afternoon! We love being active and getting our ‘crazies’ out!


For breakfast, children had kix and banana. Lunch consisted of hummus on tortilla, peas, and oranges. We ALL ate a fabulous lunch! PM snack was craisins and hard boiled eggs.

Have a terrific evening!