WWF, 2/5/2014

Good Afternoon!

As a group, we had a great day! New friends are getting acclimated to the environment, teachers, and friends. Our older friends are continuing to grow in their development. The growth that children make day to day is astounding. Children are truly amazing.

We spent the day in the gross motor area. Our older friends help the babies get toys that they may want or teach them how to do something such as rocking on the gross motor tool.


Friends try new things everyday such as Lucy trying to get up the slide. She tried multiple times with a smile on her face.


Our newest friend Henri is filling our house with even more smiles and laughter.




We helped one another with various activities today such as building a train track.


Our baby friends are growing way too fast! Just in a few short months, they will all turn one year old (HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?!)


We take on various roles throughout the day such as handyman, doctor, and chef. At the end of the day, we have the best job of all….being a kid!


For breakfast, children had malt-o-meal with pears. Lunch consisted of soy butter on tortillas, apples, and peas. PM snack was string cheese and graham crackers.

Have a lovely evening!
