Good Afternoon!
After breakfast, friends headed out of the kitchen and started their day off! Between baby toys and crawling everywhere (we’re getting quite active), we all had a busy Tuesday morning!
Eren requested his favorite book as of late. We are LOVING Leonardo .
Smiles lit up our day. Even with the warmer temperatures, it was quite dreary. (However we would much rather have it than snow!)
Tate: “Henri, I’m so happy to see you. I had a great time on vacation.”
Henri: “I’m so glad!”
(Hugging takes place)
Tate: “Oh..I like your toy!”
After nap time, our band session occurred. Our favorites were the piano and xylophone.
Active. Fun. Challenging. We love the habitrail!
Eren started his afternoon off by heading over to the music area and counting the rungs on the wall. “One, two, three…”
For breakfast, children had kix and oranges. Lunch consisted of hummus filled tortillas, pears/oranges, and green beans (we devoured the green beans!). PM snack was pears and cheddar cheese slices.
Have a great (snowy) evening!