The swimmers returned and spilled out into the sunshine with the other Wee Friends. Before they jumped into their play, they stopped and gave Mel a blow-by-blow of their swimming adventures. Here’s some of what was shared:
“I swam the length of the pool!”
“I dove down to the bottom of the deep end and got a nickel AND I get to keep it!”
“I jumped into the deep end TWO TIMES!”
“I held a noodle and kicked my feet!”
Back at school, we invited Wee Friends to sort soft blocks by color. We counted the number of like colored blocks and we built structures with them. Then we sorted by color AND shape.
Enjoy this beautiful day! – Laurie
Wee Sprouts: Carrots. Breakfast: Peanut butter toast and orange slices. Lunch: Melted cheddar on tortillas, mixed veggies and pear slices. Snack: Apples and yogurt.