On Monday, Eve shared with us that she was a baby Panda bear. She invited a teacher to be the mommy. They sat outside on a cuddly tree basking in the sunshine. Today, when Eve came to school, she told us that there was a bear in her house this morning. She said it came through the window and ran into the living room. She chased it outside and then it ran to Wee Friends. So here’s what we did this morning:
- We read Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen
- We found a book about bears in our science library and invited friends to explore “What does a bear look like?”
- We created bear drama by draping a cloth over the table and inviting friends to first, hibernate, then emerge and smell the spring earth. Mel played “Are You Sleeping (Leo Bear)” on the piano.
- We set out three bowls. One bowl held wet earth. The other two, pinto beans and Mexican sand (thanks, Sloaners!) We blind folded friends and invited them to explore what a bear might smell when she emerged from her winter den. Many friends chose the pinto beans.
We are waking up to spring and exploring EVERYTHING!
Hope you are enjoying your day. Eve’s bear is still in the house, eating a yummy lunch of peanut butter sandwich, orange slice and fresh spring carrots.
Wee Sprouts: Cucumbers. Breakfast: Egg and cheese tortillas and bananas. Snack: Pretzels and hummus.