Wednesday 3/26 Let It Go


This morning, Zoi was skipping through the classroom belting out “Let It Go” from the new Disney mega hit Frozen. We put the song on, and suddenly, everywhere we looked friends were singing along. Wherever they were and whatever they were doing, the song became their imaginative work. They didn’t miss a beat.



And then we played it again and again, reveling in the pure joy that filled our classroom. It was like being a part of a preschool music video.

We offered friends materials to explore the letters of their name. We talked about the letter “W”.


We created a wishing well and filled it with wishes and “w” words.


We let it go and we let it flow….


We gathered friends to create body letters. We started with the rockin’ tune “YMCA” (where they swim) and then offered friends scrabble letters. They chose a letter and a group of friends (who acted as Play-Do) and created that letter.


Let it go! Let it go! We can’t hold back anymore!

Have a great day. –Laurie

Wee Sprouts: Radishes. Breakfast: Cheesy scrambled eggs and bananas. Lunch: Chicken/avocado salad on whole wheat bread, pear slices and lima beans. Snack: String cheese and raisins.