WF Thursday 5/15 What’s The Point?


What’s the point? It’s not a question we ask very often at Wee Friends. Most of the time, in our Early Childhood learning environment, we understand that the process is the point.  And repetitive, child initiated processes will cultivate concrete skill development over time.

Emma loves spinning the Lazy Susan. We covered it with paper. First, she pressed a marker down to create circles. Then she used her hand to spin the Susan. Over and over, round and round. Emma’s point was not creating a work of art, it was giving her a chance to dive into a gross motor exploration that connected to her interest.


Under the habitrail, a small group of friends created a hospital bed. They build EVERYDAY with blocks! What’s the point? Collaboration, vocabulary, empathy and putting shapes and angles together to create a familiar object, to name a few.  And here’s some of what we heard, to assess their understanding of the topic:

“Her heart is bumping fast.”

“Her kickers are good.”

“Here’s a pressure point.”

“She’s about to be dead.”

“Her blood pressure is leaking out of her heart.”

“Her eyes are blood bleeding.”

“I’ll call the medicine order.”

“Pretend you have a baby in your heart.”

“Her teeth are not straight and she has a crooked heart.”

“Do you want to play car mechanic now?”

And off we all went… discover the next point of the next idea, flesh it out and watch the Wee peeps grow.


Hope you are enjoying the point of YOUR day! –Laurie

Wee Sprouts: Edamame.  Breakfast:  Melted ham and cheese on whole wheat English muffins and bananas. Lunch: Homemade whole wheat pasta with fresh spinach and mozzarella,  blueberries/cantaloupe/honeydew fruit salad and broccoli. (ALL PPC veggies/fruit) Snack: Cottage cheese and cherry tomatoes.