WF Thursday 5/22 Potato Creek and the Wee Garden!

The Wee Garden is in! Everyone has worked hard this week planting our seeds and our starters. Now we will weed, water and watch it grow.


“Animals die for lots of reasons, but here in the park, they mostly die because they’ve been hit by a car.” –Tim, Interpretive Naturalist, Potato Creek


And so began our tour! The fantastic Tim shared many animals who had perished and been preserved in different ways: skinning, cleaning the bones of flesh and preserving in liquid. Knowing that Wee Friends have been exploring taxidermy, he spoke at length about the process and our friends were captivated.





Questions for your Wee Friend about today:

  1. 1) We used newspaper to stuff our animal. What does Tim use to stuff his animals?
  2. Which animal was turned into a puppet?
  3. What are the eyes made out of?
  4. Are the teeth real?
  5. Tell me about the snake in the jar.

After our time with Tim, we crossed the street to the park, played and snacked.  A fantastic culminating experience for our taxidermy study. But stay tuned for the Paper Mache alligator in the works.

Have a great day and keep your eyes on road. There are lots of critters out there this time of year. –Laurie

Breakfast was Puffin Cereal and bananas.  Wee Sprouts were cherry tomatoes.  Lunch was ham and cheese on whole wheat bread, fresh strawberries, and sliced cucumbers.  Snack will be deliciously sweet Purple Porch Mangos and rice cakes with cream cheese.