WF Tuesday 9/16 SWIM!


Enjoy the swimming pix! Mel was able to sneak in and take some pictures of your swimmers!

Back in the classroom, we explored a different kind of water play. The conversation began yesterday when Hazel sang the Braham’s Lullaby in Icelandic. Today, we asked Hazel to sing it again and as she did, we investigated big black tubs of ice cubes. We added blue water color and eventually bubbles and farm/aquatic animals. When Jessica described a coral reef, we added Floam (and a fabulous illustration from our library). We found Iceland on our globe and discussed other cold and icy places on the earth.

Tuesday. Wee celebrations of the glorious gifts of water.

Have a peaceful day. – Laurie

Wee Sprouts: PPC Cherry tomatoes. Breakfast: Cheerios and bananas. Lunch: Whole wheat tortillas with hummus, apple slices and orange and green Bell peppers. Snack: Mozzarella cheese sticks and blueberries.