WF Wednesday 9/17 To Pick or Not to Pick


There are many opportunities in an early childhood classroom to investigate: To Pick or Not to Pick. It is a valid and important question because there are so many things to pick: nosey snacks, flowers, boxwood leaves, green beans, scabies and the list goes on.

Well, today, on the Prairie, we picked with abandon. We picked with purpose and  pleasure. We picked to understand and to process. We spread seeds not boogie germs. We spread knowledge and inquiry and not necessarily effluvia.

Pick away Wee Peeps! The prairie is your oyster.

Wee Sprouts: Sweet bell peppers. Breakfast: Rice cakes with peanut butter and PPC peaches. Lunch: Brown rice with lentils, PPC green beans and bananas. Snack: Crackers and hummus.