*Farm Group A will be heading to the farm tomorrow!
Weekly FABS:
LITERACY: K.3.3 Identify characters, settings and important events in a story. K.3.4 Identify favorite books and stories. MATH: K.2.1 Model addition by joining sets of objects. K.2.3 Describe addition situations.
It’s a favorite FAB week as what is described above is naturally present in each and every day at Wee Friends. All it takes is recognizing the opportunity to have a conversation and the learning moments define themselves.
And so it was as friends added blocks and trios higher and higher.
Books were read and questions asked “Who is this story about?” “What is happening in this picture?” “Where is the yellow star?”
When dancing began in housekeeping, friends were invited to go to the music rug and dance to music. “Did you know SONGS have characters Even songs without words! This song is soft and gentle-what do you think the character might be?”
“Look! I can fly!”
“Would anyone else like to fly?”
And so it goes. Hope your day is off and flying! –Laurie
Wee Sprouts: Green bell peppers. Breakfast: Raisin Bran and bananas. Lunch: whole wheat hummus tortillas, fresh strawberries, fresh green beans Snack: Fresh raspberries, fresh pomegranate, and string cheese.