WWF, 11/21/2014

Happy Friday!

**Just as a reminder, we will be closed next Thursday and Friday in observance of the holiday.

**We are in need of plastic grocery bags for dirty diapers. Much appreciated!

**For families who have older children: we’re asking that you have your older children stay up at the front of the house at drop off and pickup. With the snow and salt out on the sidewalks, we’re trying to keep as much as possible out of the main area of the house due to crawling children Smile. Thanks!

The morning started off with a little jam session. Drums. Piano. Maracas.


We all put our maracas in the air and shook them at the same time. With all of the different maracas going at the same time, it was a beautiful sound!


Friends headed into the kitchen where they worked with pegs and number boards. Besides working on our fine motor skills, we also worked on counting.


For breakfast, children had malt-o-meal and watermelon. Lunch consisted of hummus on English muffins, broccoli, and pears. PM snack was goldfish and string cheese.

Have a great weekend!